Tag: thoughts

  • The Should Thinking Trap. How to Break Free With Real-Life Solutions

    Ever found yourself caught in the “Should Thinking” trap? Wondering what the “Should Thinking” trap is and if it’s holding you back? Let’s break it down and explore how this thinking trap can affect real-life situations. The Should Thinking Trap  A thinking trap is a pattern of thought where you get stuck in unhealthy ways…

  • What Overthinking Looks Like

    What Overthinking Looks Like Overthinking can have a significant impact on your mental wellbeing. Recognizing what overthinking looks like is the first step towards managing and overcoming it. In this article, we will explore real-world examples of what overthinking looks like so you can identify it. Replaying Past Conversations: Ugh, why did I say that,…

  • Thoughts Versus Feelings

    Ever feel confused, not knowing if what you’re thinking is the same as what you’re feeling? Have you wondered how to tell the difference between your thoughts and feelings? It’s a common struggle that can make anyone feel mixed up. But don’t worry. Here we’ll talk about thoughts versus feelings so you can tell the difference.…

  • How Thoughts Become Things

    Have you ever thought about something and then, boom, it happened? Maybe you reached a goal, started a new relationship, or stumbled upon an exciting opportunity. It might seem like it’s just luck, but what you think actually has a big impact on what happens your life. When you understand how thoughts become things, you…

  • Can overthinking cause anxiety?

    There’s a lot to think about. And our minds can become full of endless ‘what ifs’ and imagined catastrophes. But do constant thoughts cause anxiety, or is overthinking a result of an anxiety that is already there? Short answer: yes, overthinking can cause anxiety. But, like most modern relationships, it’s complicated. Because overthinking can also…

  • Are Overthinking Thoughts True?

    We’ve all been there—lying awake at night, mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. That awkward interaction from earlier in the day replaying in your mind, each time with a slightly different, more cringe-worthy ending. But are those overthinking thoughts actually true? Let’s look at some examples: The Job Interview You’ve just aced a job…

  • Why do most diet efforts fail?

    When you struggle to lose weight, it is only natural to wonder why most diet efforts fail. Most (practically all) diets focus on physical things: exercise regimens, and the newest trendy eating techniques. Let’s see how that has been working out for us: So, why do most diet efforts fail? Scientists are still puzzled by…

  • How Thoughts Impact Your Emotions, Behavior, and Health

    Thoughts have a substantial impact on what we do, how we feel, and our overall well-being. They can change how we see things, drive our behaviors, and even affect our physical health. Here’s why they are so powerful: Thoughts Drive Emotions Your thoughts directly influence how you view and interpret the world and your place…

  • Why you need a thought based approach to personal development, self-care and mental wellness

    there is a growing recognition that improving thought processes leads to transformations in every area of life.

  • How Jumping to Conclusions is Keeping You Stuck

    Jumping to conclusions is a thinking distortion. It’s when we make assumptions or judgements without knowing all the facts. There are typically two ways that we do this: mind-reading and fortune telling. And the reason we jump to conclusions is because we like to have information. We need it to make decisions and it helps…

Ready to silence the mental noise? Start reading the introduction to Overthinkhere!